Special circumstances may at times require specific instructions.
Therefore, it is recommended that patients only adhere to specific instructions given to them by their own dental care provider.
Special circumstances may at times require specific instructions.
Therefore, it is recommended that patients only adhere to specific instructions given to them by their own dental care provider.
Here’s what you need to do following treatment:
Remove the gauze pack in one-half hour provided it is not done in the office.
Do not brush your teeth or rinse your mouth for 24 hours.
If you begin to swell, apply ice to the area 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Start as soon as you notice swelling. Continue to apply ice for up to 24 hours after treatment.
After 48 hours, if you are still swollen, call us.
Avoid physical exertion or exercise for at least 48 hours.
Follow all instructions carefully when taking any medication. Call our office immediately if you develop a rash, vomit, faint, or develop a temperature over 102 degrees.
Limit your diet to a liquid or soft diet for the first 24 hours. Do not drink alcoholic beverages, avoid smoking, and do not drink using a straw.
Some bleeding is common. Bleeding is best controlled by the use of pressure. Bite on a moist piece of gauze or tea bag placed directly over the surgical site for a minimum of 30 minutes.
After 24 hours, rinse with warm salt water, gently, three to four times daily for up to a week.
Keep your mouth clean by brushing lightly after 24 hours.
Contact us if you have a questions or concerns.
Here’s what you need to do following treatment:
Take two acetaminophen (Tylenlol), or ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) every four to six hours as needed for pain. (We recommend taking ibuprofen every 4-6 hours for the first 24 hours whether you have pain or not. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of a problem developing).
If infection control medications are prescribed follow all directions on the label, including the length of time prescribed, even if visible signs of infection are gone.
Warm salt water rinses, three or four times daily, may be helpful and will speed healing.
Avoid chewing on the tooth for several days.
If there is continued swelling or severe pain, call the office.
If a temporary filling material was placed to seal the tooth, a small layer may be worn away. If the temporary filling material should come out, call the office.
If a permanent filling material was used, the next step is usually permanent restoration of the tooth to protect it from fracture in the future. This is usually accomplished by placing a cap or crown.
Be sure to brush and floss your teeth as you would normally.
If you have any concerns or problems, call us.
After each of the two appointments you may experience some soreness around the gum line. Rinse with warm salt water to speed healing.
You may have slight hot, cold or pressure sensitivity. This is common and normal.
Your bite may feel slightly different, and if after several days your bite continues to feel uneven or high call our office for an adjustment appointment.
Temporarily avoid eating sticky foods, chewing gum or ice. Chew on the opposite side of your mouth.
Be sure to brush and floss your new tooth as you would any of your teeth. With a bridge, you may need a special floss threader or other aids to reach and clean all areas properly.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call our office.
The gum tissue close to the restoration or at the anesthesia site may be tender for several days. A warm salt water rinse will relieve discomfort and aid healing.
While numb avoid biting or chewing your tongue, or the inside of your cheeks or lips.
Immediately after restoration, you may experience some slight sensitivity to hot or cold, this is normal, but should disappear in a few days.
If your bite feels higher than normal or is bite sensitive, contact our office for a follow-up adjustment appointment.
Care of your mouth: Rinse your mouth 2-3 times per day with warm , salt water (one teaspoon of salt to 8 ounces of water). Start home care as instructed, immediately. In the beginning you may have to be gentle.
Discomfort: Your gums may become “achy” and a couple of Advil will eliminate any discomfort. Sensitivity to cold may temporarily occur. Removing all plaque from the tooth and placing a dab of fluoride toothpaste on the “touchy” tooth will stop cold or touch sensitivity in a few days.
Eating: Your next meal should be soft. Avoid any hard “chippy” foods like Fritos, potato chips, popcorn, etc. for the next 3-4 days.
Swelling: Swelling or jaw stiffness occur very rarely, however if it does, place warm moist towels to the face in the area of stiffness.
Smoking: Please do not smoke following scaling and root planning procedures. Tobacco smoke is an irritant to healing. Refrain from smoking for 24 hours or longer.
If any problems arise feel free to call the office.
Should excessive bleeding occur, apply firm pressure with a moist gauze pad or tea bag for 30 minutes. If bleeding continues call the office for further instructions.
Ice packs, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, help reduce swelling. Ice packs should only be used during the first 24 hours.
24 hours after the procedure, rinse with warm salt water three to four times daily for up to a week.
Eat “soft foods” only, until you can chew without difficulty…. try cream soups, gelatin, ice cream, yogurt or applesauce. Do not drink alcoholic beverages and avoid smoking. Do not drink liquids through a straw as the suction may damage the treated area.
Follow all directions on all medications carefully and fully. Continue to take all medications for the indicated length of time, even if symptoms are reduced.
Avoid strenuous exercise for the first 48 hours after treatment.
Call our office if you have any question or problem. We’re always available to help.