Donato Dental adds Laser Periodontal Therapy to Practice
Donato Dental adds Laser Periodontal Therapy to Practice.
With our new diode laser, we are now able to treat early to moderate periodontal disease without surgery and in many cases, without anesthesia.
Conquering and preventing gum disease is easier now than ever before. Newly published research has also cited a link between gum disease and heart disease, respiratory disease and premature child birth. The question is, with all that is available to prevent gum disease, “Why do approximately 80% of American adults have it?” The answer is that many people do not realize they have gum disease because it doesn’t hurt in the early to moderate disease phases.
In periodontal laser therapy, the laser is used to gently disinfect and evaporate inflamed tissues inside the oversized gum pockets. When the area is cleansed, bacterial activity that causes inflammation and eventual bone loss is interrupted, giving the tissues a chance to heal and even re-attach to the tooth thereby reducing the depth of the pocket to a normal level.
Where surgery was indicated in just the very recent past, laser therapy is available at a fraction of the cost of surgery, with less pain, quicker recovery, and less scarring. While surgery may still be indicated for advanced periodontal disease and grafting purposes, intercepting the disease process in the early phases is a much more conservative, effective, and comfortable option.
Published May 10, 2004